Views / All Modules
The classic overview including all modules is an indispensable element of Ashampoo WinOptimizer 9 for many long-term users. The close contact to our customers revealed that the view on the modules should be as flexible and variable as the people that are using it. Therefore we developed two more, user friendly interfaces. You can access the other views by either clicking on the arrows (see red arrows) or by clicking on the appropriate buttons (see red box).
If you would like to choose a category first on the right and the appropriate function on the left, then you are just right at Categories. There also is a short description for each function in a module.
The Functions overview does not refer to the functions considering the modules, but the actual functions are named. Here can just click on an appropriate function, for example Determine system performance, Clean up the registry or delete all Internet traces. If you like to know the actual function of a feature, this is the right overview for you.